Posted by Nash Biani
Lesson 2
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In our last spoken English lesson we looked at some pronouns used while speaking English in normal, everyday situations. In this lesson, we will study English pronouns 'he','she' and 'they'.
Both the pronouns, 'he' and 'she' are used to refer to persons, not to things, places or emotions.
These pronouns are also not to be used to refer to animals unless the animal is a pet and has been named by its owner. We will see this later in this lesson.
When we speak to someone, we know whether the person we are speaking with is male or female and the person we are speaking with also knows whether we are male of female.
But when we are speaking about someone, we need to refer to the person's gender or sex. That is to say, the person we are speaking with would naturally like to know if the person we are speaking about is a man or a woman.
That is why, in English grammar, the third person singular has gender based pronouns to refer to people or to animals if they are pets and their sex is known and they have been given names.
he - used while speaking about a person if the person is a boy or a man. The pronoun 'he' can
also be used for a pet animal if the animal is male and has been given a name by its owner. This pronoun 'he' is called the third person singular masculine in English grammar is used only for a single male person or a single male pet animal.
she - used while speaking about a person if the person is a girl or a woman. The pronoun 'she' can also be used for a pet animal if the animal is female and has been given a
name by its owner. This pronoun 'she' is called the third person singular feminine in English grammar and is used only for a single female person or a single female pet animal.
When speaking English, we use 'she' for a girl or a woman we are talking about and we use 'he' for a boy or a man.
Lesson 2
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English Grammar:Pronouns he - she - they
In our last spoken English lesson we looked at some pronouns used while speaking English in normal, everyday situations. In this lesson, we will study English pronouns 'he','she' and 'they'.
Both the pronouns, 'he' and 'she' are used to refer to persons, not to things, places or emotions.
These pronouns are also not to be used to refer to animals unless the animal is a pet and has been named by its owner. We will see this later in this lesson.
When we speak to someone, we know whether the person we are speaking with is male or female and the person we are speaking with also knows whether we are male of female.
But when we are speaking about someone, we need to refer to the person's gender or sex. That is to say, the person we are speaking with would naturally like to know if the person we are speaking about is a man or a woman.
That is why, in English grammar, the third person singular has gender based pronouns to refer to people or to animals if they are pets and their sex is known and they have been given names.
spoken English video lesson
he - used while speaking about a person if the person is a boy or a man. The pronoun 'he' can
also be used for a pet animal if the animal is male and has been given a name by its owner. This pronoun 'he' is called the third person singular masculine in English grammar is used only for a single male person or a single male pet animal.
she - used while speaking about a person if the person is a girl or a woman. The pronoun 'she' can also be used for a pet animal if the animal is female and has been given a
name by its owner. This pronoun 'she' is called the third person singular feminine in English grammar and is used only for a single female person or a single female pet animal.
When speaking English, we use 'she' for a girl or a woman we are talking about and we use 'he' for a boy or a man.
In spoken English, this will hold true whether the person being spoken about is present or absent.
Look at these examples:
Where is Anuradha?
She is at home.
When will Rayhaan come?
He will come at 4 o'clock.
Both Anuradha and Rayhaan are not present at the time of speaking.
Anil, who is that girl sitting there?
She's my sister Meena.
This guy is singing very well. Who is he?
He's my brother Sameer.
Here, both Meena and Sameer are present at the time of speaking.
This is my dog Rambo. He barks at strangers.
This is my cat Mimi. She loves milk.
The dog Rambo is a male pet and Mimi is a female cat.