Friday 29 March 2013

PRONOUNS IT-THEY:How To Improve & Speak Good English Using Correct Pronouns

Posted by Nash Bian


                            SPOKEN ENGLISH

                                 Lesson 3
                                                  (Page 1)

                    English Grammar: Pronouns 

                                  it - they 

                                  Section I

The use of English pronouns 'they' and 'it'

In English Aam Spoken English Lesson No. 2, we spoke about the English pronouns 'he', 'she' and 'they' in relation to people that we speak about or refer to. 
In this lesson, we will look at 'they' in reference to things, places, animals and emotions. We will also look at 'it'

it      - In English, when we speak about things and objects, we use the pronoun 'it'.
           The pronoun 'it' is also used to refer to places, emotions (feelings) and
           animals which are not somebody's pets.This is called, in English grammar,
           third person singular, neuter gender.
     When speaking English, we can use the pronoun 'it' also for groups of people
         such as a team, a board of directors, a committee, a class, a band, an
         orchestra and so forth. 
           Another important use of the pronoun 'it' in spoken English is to talk about a
           small child without referring to its gender. When we speak English, we use
          'he' to refer to a male child (or adult) and we use 'she' to refer to a female
          child (or adult). However, we use the pronoun 'it' when we talk about a child,
          infant or baby without referring to it's gender or sex.

they -  used to refer to the plural of all the things, animals, places, groups of people,
            infants etc., mentioned under 'it' above.           

English Aam Spoken English Video Mehfil 
Absolute Beginner Course Lesson 3

                                             When we speak English:
       What is this?
       It's a pencil. 
        How do you say it in your mother tongue?

                                              When we speak English:                                                   
                                                      What are these?  
                                                       They're pencils.      (they + are = they're)

                                                       What's this?             (what + is = what's)
                                                       It's a set of pencils. 
                                     How do you say it in your mother tongue?

Here, you see, in the first question, the plural mode has been used - 'are these'. So, in the answer, we use the plural mode by saying 'they are'. In the second question, the singular mode has been used - 'is this'. So, we use the singular mode in the answer by saying 'it is'.

                                      many pencils  -  one (a) set of pencils
                                             they                           it


Please write down the following two conversations in your book.

Nurse : Congratulations ! It's a girl
Bob    : How's she
Nurse : She's fine. 
Bob    : And my wife?
Nurse : Oh, she's fine too. They're both okay.
Bob    : Thank God. 

The nurse first said, 'It's a girl.' But as soon as Bob got to know that the child is a girl, he said 'she' while referring to his newborn daughter. 

Aslam : I'm so tired. 
Vineet : Why? What happened? 
Aslam : I was travelling by train from Delhi to Mumbai last night and I couldn't sleep 
              a wink. 
Vineet : Why was that? 
Aslam : Oh, there was this child in the train, in my compartment you know.  
Vineet : So? 
Aslam : Well, it kept crying all night and I just couldn't sleep.

Aslam doesn't know the gender of the child - whether the child was a boy or a girl, so he refers to the child as 'it'.

Have you written down the converastions in your book? Very good. Now keep the book open in front of you and practise with me.

   Practise speaking English in this English Aam Spoken English Video Mehfil

            It's a cow.                                                They're cows.



Saturday 23 March 2013

VOCABULARY & COLLOCATIONS: Absolute Beginner Course Lesson 2-Spoken English Lesson With Videos To Improve Vocabulary

Posted by Nash Biani 

               ABSOLUTE BEGINNER COURSE                              SPOKEN ENGLISH

                                             Lesson 2
                                              (Page 3)   

                               English Grammar: Pronouns

                                           he - she - they 

                                               Section III 

                              Vocabulary & Collocations

      Page 3

Learning to speak English the natural way

We are learning to speak English in a natural way. We learnt our mother tongue, the language we spoke as babies, the natural way, by listening to all the words and phrases again and again and saying them again and again. English Aam is a spoken English course which uses this method as it's basis.

We need to understand something very important at this point. Many words and word sets, phrases, collocations, idioms, proverbs etc. will come before us again and again in these spoken English lessons. We have to write them in our notebooks as many times as we find them in these lessons. This is very, very important.

Here are some words that I have spoken while explaining how to speak English in video mehfil lesson 2 along with some other useful words. Copy them in your English Aam Spoken English Vocabulary Book and look up the words in your English-Mother Tongue dictionary. Write these meanings in the 'meanings' column leaving a line after each word. In the blank line below each word, write sentences of your own. If you are unable to make your own sentences then, if examples of sentences are given in your dictionary, write those. But as you go along, you should later try to make your own sentences using these words.


  1. mention
  2. if
  3. home
  4. house
  5. say 
  6. come  
  7. worry
  8. invitation
  9. to talk
  10. to go
  11. nice
  12. good
  13. great
  14. brother
  15. friend
  16. all                        
  17. present
  18. but                    
  19. name                      
  20. man 
  21. male
  22. woman
  23. female
  24. about
  25. Boy                                              
  26. girl
  27. chain 
  28. sequence
  29. birth
  30. family
  31. childhood 
  32. group       
  33. patience 
  34. control
  35. animal
  36. human
  37. please
  38. gender
  39. sex
  40. natural
  41. that 
  42. word
  43. family 
  44. all
  45. every
  46. each
  47. wait
  48. vegetarian
  49. today
  50. tomorrow
  51. yesterday

Part 1
Click on the button to enjoy the video mehfil and speak English with me.

Part 2
Click on the button to enjoy the video mehfil and speak English with me.


Write down these in your English Aam Spoken English Collocation Book.

last time
we saw
with me
someone else
somebody else
Micky and I
I don't know
Who is Kiran?
about Dilshad
What are you saying!
from the beginning 
since the beginning                                                                                                   
from the start / since the start

Spoken English video mehfil. Click on the button in the video
and speak English with me!


Write these contractions in your English Aam Spoken English Grammar Book.


I will come                               I'll come                                   
I will go                                    I'll go                                        
I will play                                 I'll play                                      
I will drive                                I'll drive                                     
we will come                           we'll come                                 
we will buy                              we'll buy                                    
we will eat                               we'll eat                                    
we will meet                            we'll meet                                 
that is Mohan                           that's Mohan                               
he is my brother                      he's my brother                           
that is Urmila                           that's Urmila                                
she is my sister                        she's my sister                             
that is very nice                       that's very nice                                                                   
we will not wait                       we'll not wait / we won't wait          
do not worry                            don't worry                                                          
they are my friends                  they're my friends      


English speaking practice in this English Aam video mehfil.

      Page 3

Tuesday 12 March 2013

VOCABULARY & COLLOCATIONS:Absolute Beginner Course Lesson 1-Learn Words & Phrases To Improve English Speaking Skills

Posted by Nash Biani 



     LESSON 1    
           Page 2           

                        English Grammar: Pronouns                                       I - we - you 

                          Section II

             Vocabulary & Collocations

  Page 1
  Page 2
      Page 3
      Page 4


Notebooks required for our spoken English Course

In the English Aam video mehfil in the first part of this lesson, I have spoken English and Hindi. As we start speaking English we should pick up English words and phrases we come across and use them in our conversations when we speak English with our friends.

Here, we will look at a random collection of words, phrases, collocations, idioms etc. based on what I have spoken in the mehfil and also other things connected with these.

Before we really start off on this part of your spoken English course, I would like you to get a set of books which will help you get the best from the English Aam programme. 

You will need the following books: 200 pages long books - 4 books
                                                  Dictionary - English to your mother tongue
                                                  Dictionary - Your mother tongue to English

The 4 books of 200 pages each will be:

Watch this English Aam video mehfil for further instructions.

  Watch this English Aam Spoken English Video Mehfil to understand what books you need for the programme.

Now that you have your books ready, let's start.

Please understand that many, or rather, almost all of these words, collocations, phrases etc. will come before us again and again as we go forward in our mehfils. You have to write these words, etc. as many times in your books as we come across them. This is important.

Write the following in your English Vocabulary Book and find out the meanings of these words from your English-Mother Tongue dictionary. Please do this, it is a part of your English course. You have to write down the words every time and you have to write the meaning of each word every time.


  1. poet
  2. poetry                                                    
  3. poem                                            
  4. welcome
  5. habit
  6. memory
  7. beginning
  8. start
  9. child
  10. children               
  11. mother tongue     
  12. month
  13. age
  14. sentence
  15. small
  16. cute
  17. pretty
  18. lovable
  19. lovely 
  20. method
  21. but
  22. necessary
  23. together
  24. involved
  25. included
  26. to miss
  27. to remember 
  28. natural
  29. come
  30. give
  31. all
  32. atmosphere
  33. polite
  34. impolite

Okay, now write down these in your English Collocations Book. Remember, in our English Aam spoken English class we will include in collocations all idioms, proverbs, phrases etc. Once again, let me remind you this is not a standard English grammar course. 


small thing
small matter
small problem
small issue
What's wrong with him?
What's happened to him? 
What's with him ?
I'm fond of...
he's fond of...
she's fond of...
you're fond of
I'm fond of singing.
He's fond of reading.
Reena is fond of watching movies. 
Reena is fond of movies. 
I like
we like
you like
he likes
she likes
it likes
Salma likes mangoes.
I remember...
I remember his name was Amit.
I wasn't able to....
you weren't able to...
we weren't able to...
they weren't able to...
he wasn't able to...
she wasn't able to...
she wasn't able to...
I wasn't able to express my idea.
We weren't able to reach in time.
He wasn't able to play the match.
She talked with me. 
She talked to me.
on behalf of
I welcome you on behalf of the company.

Have you written these collocations in your Spoken English Collocations Book? Good. Now come with me to this English Aam Spoken English Course mehfil and speak English with me. Remember, you have to open your mouth and speak. There is not other method of learning to speak English except practising speaking it. Keep your Spoken English Collocations Book before you as you practise speaking because there are no subtitles in this video mehfil.

           Practise collocations in this English Aam Spoken English Video Mehfil

Please also go back to the earlier lessons and write the grammar notes in your English Aam Spoken English Grammar Book.                                       

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