Tuesday 9 July 2013

TO BE VERB:AM-ARE-IS-Learn English Grammar-'To Be' Verb To Improve Your Spoken English

Posted by Nash Biani                


                         SPOKEN ENGLISH

                               Lesson 4
                                              (Page 1)

              English Grammar: 'to be' verb                                     am-are-is

                              Section I                      

How the 'to be' verb changes form in various tenses in English grammar.

The verb ' to be' in English grammar is quite strange. I say this because it changes form completely as it moves through the different tenses. For example, in the Simple Present Tense, it takes the forms : I-we-you. But when it moves into the Simple Past Tense, it becomes : was-were. Then again, in the Simple Future Tense, it is seen as: will be

The ' to be' verb is very important because it signifies the existence of a person, an object, an event, an animal, a feeling, a place or any other noun. Whether we speak English or we speak any other language, it is necessary for somebody or something to exist if we have to speak about it. In fact, we have to exist (to be) so that we can speak! :)

So, since we are beginning to speak English, our very first lessons in spoken English should include the ' to be' verb. In this language lesson, we will look at the forms of the ' to be' verb in the Simple Present Tense.

                          POSITIVE SENTENCES

                                       Set I
  Pronoun                              To Be Verb                             speaking English                                           
I                                                 am                                                  I'm        
we                                             are                                                  we're
you                                            are                                                  you're
you all                                       are                                                  you all're
they                                           are                                                  they're

In set 1 all the subjects except 'I' have 'are' as the helping 'to be' verb. 
Only 'I' has 'am' as it's helping verb.

                                       Set 2
  Pronoun                              To Be Verb                             speaking English        
    he                                               is                                                 he's
    she                                              is                                                she's    
    it                                                 is                                                  it's                               
In set 2 all the subjects have 'is' as the helping 'to be' verb.

You have to memorise the subjects which belong to Set 1 and those which belong to Set 2. This is very important becouse this division of subjects into the two sets is, in a way, your first key to understanding the use of helping verbs in the various tenses, sub-tenses and cases as we will call them in our spoken English mehfils.



Let's speak English. Copy the sentences given below in your note book. Now play the video given below the sentences and enjoy the video mehfil.

I'm a
I'm a student.
You're a
You're a cricketer.
She's my
She's my sister.
They're my
They're my brothers.
We're friends.
He's my                                   
He's my uncle.
She's a 
She's a hairdresser.
We're cousins.
She's my cousin.
She's a bank manager.
He's a police officer.
She's my grandma.
He's my grandpa.
She's my aunt.
You all're doctors.
You all're engineers.
She's an engineer.
He's a postman.
I'm an inspector.
It's a butterfly.
It's a crow.
It's a cup.

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