Monday 2 December 2013

ENGLISH CONVERSATION PRACTICE: English Aam Kulfi Season 1#2-Neelam & Parvez:Mangoes & Milk-Learn English Grammar By Speaking English In This Lesson

Posted by Nash Biani 

English Aam Kulfi 

                   Mast Mast !

                    SEASON 1
                   No 2    

           Neelam and Parvez :
                Mangoes and Milk                             Page 1


Hello and welcome to English Aam Kulfi # 2. I hope you enjoyed the first episode of this series. We will learn to speak English together with our friends Neelam and Parvez. Other friends will also be joining us very soon. English grammar doesn't have to be dull and boring as our friends will very soon show you. 

Some of our viewers (? this sounds like a TV show :D ) have been asking me if they should get a book for these lessons (episodes?). Well it is still early days but no harm in getting a 100 page long book. You can call it  - 
                    English Aam Kulfi Book

So, in the last episode we saw Neelam and Parvez discuss the price of onions and apples. Let's see what they are doing now.

Here is the conversation in Hindi. Let's see how you translate it into English.

नीलम : वो सब छोड़ो। एक बात कहूं , हम आम का मिल्कशेक बनाते                             हैं। 
परवेज़ : अच्छा आईडिया है। 
नीलम : तुम बाज़ार से आम और दूध ले आओ। 
परवेज़ : अभी जाऊं ?
नीलम : नहीं, परसों जाना। 
परवेज़ : क्या मतलब?
नीलम : जैसा सवाल वैसा जवाब।  तुम्हे क्या लगता है - कब जाना                             चाहिए तुम्हे? 
परवेज़ : ठीक है, ठीक है अभी चला जाता हूँ। 
नीलम : अब क्या हुआ? जाते क्यों नहीं ?
परवेज़ : पैसे तो दो...
नीलम : क्या ?
परवेज़: मज़ाक कर रहा हूँ बाबा। 

Answer will be posted here very soon. In the meantime you try to translate the conversation :)

Posted by Nash Biani on 04-12-2013 -

All right everybody! Let's see what you've done. Check the translated conversation below.

Neelam: Forget all that.Tell you what? Let's make 
              mango milkshake.
Parvez:  Good idea.
Neelam: Go get some mangoes and milk from the 
Parvez:  Shall I go now?
Neelam: No, go the day after tomorrow.
Parvez:  What do you mean?
Neelam: Ask a silly question, get a silly answer.What
              do you think? When should you go?
Parvez:  Okay, okay, I'll go right now.
Neelam: Now what? Why don't you go?
Parvez:  Give me some money...
Neelam: What?
Parvez:  I'm just joking.

So, how did you do, guys? Look, if it was not all like what it is here, don't worry too much. These translations can take several forms. 

There's a lot to learn and practise in this conversation, which we will do in my next post :) 

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